The need for awareness an...
Published in Nature Nanotechnology by the group of Alke Petri-Fink and Barbara Rothen-Rutishauer ( The authors discuss the safety concerns on handling and disposing nanomaterials, the possible
Guidelines: Safe-by-desig...
A novel guideline document elaborated by the EU-consortium GoNanoBioMat and presented at the final dissemination event. The GoNanoBioMat framework is designed to elaborate current knowledge to small and medium-sized enterprises
Need help with the regist...
eREACHNano is a new free web tool focused on helping small and medium-sized companies that may lack sufficient in-house expertise on the regulation covering nanomaterials.
Reliable knowledge on nan... helps with questions about nanomaterials A new contact point for start-ups, SMEs and industry bundles the scientific and regulatory expertise in the field of nanotechnology available
Nanomedicine in Liverpool
contactpointnano was present at Nanomed Europe 23 in Liverpool (June 19-22). This event is organized by ETPN and it is the largest Nanomedicine event in Europe. The
Safe-by-design and EU fun...
Contribution of the EU NanoSafetyCluster (NSC), supporting the SbD-study of the European Commission, March 2021 Editors: Andreas Falk, Flemming R. Cassee and Eva Valsami-Jones
Crucial results for coron...
Empa researcher Peter Wick, Head of the Particles-Biology Interactions Laboratory in St. Gallen and Director of talks to Empa Quarterly about recent antibody studies, which are
Country-scale calculation...
Plastic particles less than five millimeters in size, also known as microplastics, often settle far away from their point of origin. Empa researchers have now developed a
Nanomedicine: The Minuten...
Tiny particles that can fight cancer or that can easily pass through any interface within our body are a great promise for medicine. But there is little
The MACRAMÉ Project, a 36-months research and innovation action, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme, commenced its ambitious, collaborative workprogramme on the characterisation and